Descriptive URLs. Make sure each URL is simple and descriptive. page titles. Use keywords naturally in the page title. meta descriptions. Create meta descriptions as if it were ad text to drive clicks. content optimization. Use keywords and variations wisely in your page copy. good user experience (UX). Make sure your site is a pleasure to use and browse. strong calls to action. Help your users know what to do next. structured data markup. Leverage the latest SERP features to improve click-through rates.
When optimizing your site, take the time to consider your customers. If you are a local business, local SEO is more important and your address and location become crucial optimization points. With solid technical SEO in place, layering your on-page optimization jewelry retouching service is simple. Use tools like Screaming Frog to explore and identify weaknesses and work methodically on your pages. 3. Content Content is king. That's the saying, right? It's true in a way. Your website is really just a wrapper for your content.
Your content tells prospects what you do, where you do it, who you did it for, and why someone should use your business. And if you're smart, your content should also go beyond those obvious brochure-like elements and help your potential clients achieve their goals. For service businesses, we can freely divide your content into three categories: Service Content. What you do and where you do it. Credibility content. Why a prospect should engage with your business.